Here we are back to year 2 of the most expected event for so many of our children in Lake Nona and many local Central Florida Student-Athletes. It’s a wonder why our kids anticipate the Nona Cup so much and get excited about the weekend? It’s simple. Most of the tournaments we travel to are are always great soccer and fun memories made, but they are all very much the same. We play a lot of those so they crave the weekend of family and friends time off the field!

I have to say I also get excited about it! First and foremost as I secure my business hat on I understand the huge impact we are making in our LLake Nona Community year over year. This year we are hosting over 250 teams, equating to three thousand student athletes and their families.

What does that mean? All the hotel rooms in Lake Nona are booked. It is going to be very hard to find and book reservations in our local restaurants, because all the large and small business in our community will get a piece of this amazing event! Studies in youth sports shows that an event like this can bring over three million dollars in financial impact into a community. Here in Lake Nona will not be different!
Now, when I put on my favorite hat, the Coach Fabio hat, I see the children of our community taking ownership of an event. We travel all over Florida to play tournaments and now is our turn, it is at home, it is OUR TOURNAMENT!
The pride shown in every student athletes face, and the desire to compete and show “the world” what we can do at home, is priceless!

This year is different! For some reason it feels different. All eyes in Youth Sports in Central Florida will be on us, so let’s go NONA Family! Together let’s put on a Show! We are one big extended family united together by our brand.
Let’s cheer for our children, applaud the opponents, respect the Referees and show everyone that we are happy to host our guests in our home!
Let’s continue to set the example! It’s year number two for the Nona Cup. Together lets represent the true meaning of the saying “We Are Nona”. Once again let’s be the best hosts! After all, soccer is only half our story!

Enjoy it, Lake Nona! Have fun! I look forward to seeing you all at the Lake Nona Town Center Saturday night. The Nona Cup Half-Time Party will be from 4 – 10pm. The party has lots of surprises. See you there.
Fabio Silva